28 Reasons to Buy Gold
Throughout human history, gold has constantly emerged as an unparalleled form of savings, investment and wealth preservation. Due to its unique characteristics and features, gold has inherent value and cannot be debased. When holding physical gold, there is no counterparty risk or default risk. Wealth in the form of gold can also be held and…
Debt, Dollars, Dow, War, Silver and Shirts
Yes, they are connected. Dollars are created as debt. More dollars in circulation = more debt. More debt means consumption is “pulled forward” from the future so consumption can occur now. This usually ends badly. Commercial banks and central banks have created trillions of new dollars. Each new dollar devalues every other dollar currently in…
What is Your Real Number?

A Real Number? One of the worst misconceptions I find most people have is the actual figure they need for their dream income or the borrowed term my “beach ratio”. Normally when asked most will say some off the wall number like $1,000,000 a year without any real thought about why it is that number. It…
Funnels vs Lead Pages
What is a Funnel? A funnel is the sales process that you lead your potential customers through to learn about you and/or your product(s) and ultimately decide whether or not to opt-in to what you are offering. Funnels are a powerful tool for driving your objectives, like: Purchasing your product Signing up for a newsletter…
Crypto Currencies
Crypto volatility and hype shows immaturity remains The joy about working in precious metals is that for part of the weekend you can switch off. There is a precious time when markets are closed and you don’t have to worry about market movements and what might be happening. You check back in on Sunday afternoon/evening and can…
If you have ever thought about trying to make an income online
If you have ever thought about trying to make an income online I want to give you a real leg up.Most of us have heard about people making $1000’s online but it always seems impossible to actually do it. The real problem is you really need some one that knows how to teach you the…
Want Free Traffic? Are You Doing this!

I Use Recommendations To Increase My Bottom Line I found one of the best ways of increasing affiliate marketing bottom line and online income is recommending something good. What has worked well is recommending a top digital guru’s product which also gives me the benefit of those that trust him now trust me. If the customers or visitors trust…
Be a Go Giver, it is the Key to Success

Be A Go Giver As you start this journey and part of the beginning will be a pleasant surprise. One of my mentors once assigned me the task to read The Go-Giver. First let me say thank you to John for recommending such a gem. This is one of those books you finish and catalog in…
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